Interview with Google's Laura Scott from London.
From last week's event 'Magic in the Machine’ by #Google that focused on Machine Learning and its application in improving the products we use daily such as mobile phones our team got the time to explore more of Artificial Intelligence (A.I) in our modern world.
During the event, Google revealed its latest technology advancement that will simplify human lives through A.I.
Here is the interview with Google's Laura Scott from London.
Full Time Radio: "Can Artificial Intelligence(A.I) be used in organisations to promote work ethic in Kenya and the world at large?
Laura: "Certainly,Machine Learning can play a role in analyzing data and making data more easy understandable".
"It's certainly possible, so for now machine learning is still quite complex but with time we might get more tools that require less computer science knowledge to operate. Overtime the tools that simplify the process of machine learning will be available for use by ordinary people for some of the things you describe".
Full Time Radio:"Have you encountered any challenges in making some languages available for the audio translator devices"?
Laura :"One of the biggest issues is availability of data for those languages where there was not enough data on #Swahili for example, makes it really hard to create the perfect assistance or the perfect translator service because you need that body of language and of course there is tones of documents in #English there is lots of documents in #Chinese for example so we can easily deal with language and get them to the assistant it's a big challenge's something we are working on "...
Full Time Radio: "Am sure any challenge can be met...
Laura: "Well there is always challenges all times so we have to be busy and improve that language in the assistance machines".
Full Time Radio :"Are the A.I tools user friendly?or does it need one to have extra expertise to deal with operating the assistant machine?
Laura : "No ! The whole idea for us is that we might take the complexity hide that underneath the super simple interface. So my kids for example are great at finding photos they could ask for photos of dogs or beaches or parties and they could do that very easily .
They are also good at doing voice commands of all types and they are so much comfortable than I think I am in doing the idea is to ask simple questions with your phone and kids seem to find that really natural.
We have an open source project where people can use exactly same tools that #Google uses entirely on our products to develop things on their own using machine learning and to analyze #data for that you need some technical expertise that's not what a kid can do expect the super smart ones.
Full Time Radio:Thank you for your time and commitment towards making the globe a better place through technology advancement.
#Stream the full interview here
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